[svsm-devel] SVSM Development Call January 8th, 2025

Dionna Amalie Glaze dionnaglaze at google.com
Wed Jan 8 04:06:10 CET 2025

On Tue, Jan 7, 2025 at 3:08 PM James Bottomley
<James.Bottomley at hansenpartnership.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 2025-01-07 at 08:26 -0800, Dionna Amalie Glaze wrote:
> > On Tue, Jan 7, 2025 at 7:55 AM Jörg Rödel <joro at 8bytes.org> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > Happy new year everyone!
> > >
> > > Here is the usual call for agenda items for the first SVSM
> > > development
> > > call in 2025.  Please send me any agenda items you have in mind or
> > > raise
> > > them in the meeting.
> > >
> > > I have one item on the agenda so far:
> > >
> > >         * IGVM support for QEMU.
> >
> > Regarding this, I'd like to make sure we cover the topic of MSFT
> > donating the IGVM spec and implementation to the CCC for appropriate
> > open governance.
> The spec isn't really separated from the code: it's all one thing.  I

For now, though for disparate implementations across openvmm, qemu,
Vanadium, EC2, we should expect implementations to diverge without a
forum under a body like the Linux Foundation for folks from different
companies to meet in a legally-blessed way. I asked for a way to
bundle signed reference values to be added to the spec last year, and
I can't easily propose an implementation without director or VP

> think in principle this document along side code is a good thing and we
> want to keep it that way, so you're in effect asking to move this
> entire repo:
> https://github.com/microsoft/igvm
> The IGVM format is designed to be useful beyond simply confidential
> computing for multiple different virtual machine images, so even if we
> were to move it, I'm not sure the CCC would be the best place to
> guarantee that universality.
> >  We're institutionally blocked without a significant approval chain
> > to provide code to competitor companies.
> This sounds a bit like an internal Google problem; I may be able to
> help you with this, but I think it's been a while since I engaged
> Google legal on open source.  However, the main argument for you to
> deploy is that for open source the whole point is to collaborate with
> your competitors in the open and you should be empowered to do that.

I understand. But see below that I don't often get a "yes" to these requests.

> >  Keeping the tools Coconut-SVSM and Qemu uses under Microsoft is an
> > inversion of power, even with the MIT license.
> You mean simply by hosting it under our external github account?  It's
> where we incubate all our open source projects that accept outside
> contributions (and where we hope to openly demonstrate stewardship
> worthy of community trust) and I believe Google does something similar.
> All corporations tread this fine line: if the project accretes a
> vibrant community, we'd likely be happy to move it elsewhere, but we
> equally don't want to be accused of simply throwing code over the wall,
> which is why we incubate projects to see how they progress.

:) I expected a "go kick rocks".
It's commendable, what Microsoft has done for the past 6 years at
least with openenclave, openhcl, openvmm, igvm, etc.
I've barked up that tree here for 7 years and been told no, open
source good will isn't dollars.
I personally agree with everything you said, but had to ask for the
company line.

> Regards,
> James

-Dionna Glaze, PhD, CISSP, CCSP (she/her)

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