[svsm-devel] virtio-mmio base address: fw_cfg vs IGVM

Oliver Steffen osteffen at redhat.com
Tue Feb 18 20:04:49 CET 2025

Hi all,

In last week's meeting we talked about communicating the mmio base address
for the virtio driver to the SVSM via Qemu's fw_cfg interface.

This is easy to do, but now I am unsure how we want to
handle hardware information in general.

Currently, the serial ports for logging, gdb, etc. are configured via
the IGVM file.
The address for virtio-mmio is not really a different thing. Shouldn't we use
a common approach?

Using the IGVM file makes these things part of the launch measurement and
requires rebuilding the file if anything needs to change.
Do we want that? Or should it rather be a run-time configuration?


- Oliver

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